sabrina Chap
"...a powerful examination of lust, obsession, and the queer coming-of-age experience."
- Ms. Magazine
"...the perfect soundtrack to scream-sing along with on road trips..."
- Three Imaginary Girls
"...an overarching story of love and loss."
- What About Dat
“Imagine, if you can, Judy Garland singing the songs of Tom Lehrer as arranged by Dr. John, and you will have an approximation – not perfect but close – of the Sabrina Chap experience.”
– American Songwriter
“…channels the raw energy of ragtime and an old-school musical, with lyrics that evoke a contemporary Cole Porter or Tom Lehrer.’
– The Advocate
“When you need a motivational soundtrack to get active; personally, publicly, or politically.”
– Tom Tom Magazine
“There’s no one way to describe Sabrina Chap — and that’s what we love about her.” – Baltimore Sun
“She’ll waltz you around the room until you’re breathless with glee, or recite dirty jokes in the corner until you’re in stitches – but then she’ll pour you a whiskey and sit you down for a real fucking heart-to-heart about life’s bullshit.”
– Coochie Crunch
“..bouncing rhythms, complex instrumentation, and intelligent lyrics covering everything from heartache to performing femininity.”
- Bitch Magazine
“. . .a knee slapping, bawdy good time.”
- The Killing Floor
“Chap deserves to be a star.”
- Curve Magazine
“... best enjoyed in an intimate club, drink in hand and friends at your side…a very strong album.”
– Sepiachord
“Guarantee-ably vaudevillian chic and undeniably impressive.
- Go Magazine
“The admirable thing about vaudeville is that it really can’t be done half-heartedly. It’s a style that requires a lotta shoulder-shimmy and real fire in the belly. If you can’t channel that awesome power of entertainment, the spotlight will drift away quicker than the tip of a hat. A good thing, then, that Sabrina Chap has this ability by the barrel.”
- Wears the Trousers (UK)
“I don’t offer these artists (Dresden Dolls, Jolie Holland, Squirrel Nut Zippers) up to slight Chap as derivative, but rather to put her in a larger context of artists. I believe Chap’s talents stand up on their own.”
- Feminist Music Geek & Feminist Review
“The entire album evokes images of gin-soaked prohibition-era parties, and I immediately wanted to drag out my flapper dress and herd my friends to a speakeasy.”
- Three Imaginary Girls
- New Yorker
Though her descent into drunkenness showed the least amount of skin in the performance she managed to pour out the greatest amount of talent.”
–New York Cool Review
“As a performer she is more like a stand-up comic who also happens to be a tremendously talented musician. In her stage show she draws you in, disarms you with humour, and then makes you sit up and listen to what she has to say. The end result is intoxicating.”
- Polari Magazine (UK)
“Envision an intimate smokey cabaret showcasing a musical and lyrical talent hiding in the dark shadows of the entertainment belly. In this mystical environment, she takes you on a journey of life’s joys, sorrows, and confusion while riding the slightly out-of-tune piano. In Sabrina’s music, you find traces of circus, burlesque, music hall, and the grind of life. Sabrina’s songs celebrate this world.”
- Keith Nelson
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
“Sabrina Chap is an audience favorite every time she comes to town. By the end of her act people are wetting their pants with joy.”
– Heidi Von Haught Burlesque Star/Producer
“Sabrina Chap turns you on the best possible way — with her mind.”
– Audience reaction
“I’ve seen Sabrina multiple times, and in multiple cities. She owns every room she performs in. Her “Dirty Song” is right at home with even the bawdiest of the burlesque performers, while other songs like “Never Been a Bad Girl” have inspired routines, while embodying the spirit of both neo and classical burlesque. Run, don’t walk to any venue that she’s playing at. You’ll be glad you did.”
-Hot Todd Lincoln
(D.C. host & raconteur)
HOW TO BE A BAD GIRL (Edfringe Show)
★★★★★ ‘Like a piano player in brothel or a chanteuse at an orgy, Sabrina Chap is the fallen woman of cabaret….’
★★★★★ ‘This is an intoxicating evening, and a must see for cabaret fans – or anyone that wants a bit of alternative sexual education.’
★★★★ ‘How to be a Bad Girl, a captivating cabaret act of original songs performed on piano, is as dirty as the flyers promise – but with unexpected sweetness and poignancy…’
★★★★ ’Chap…is truly a breath of fresh air to the world of feminism and I can say in absolute confidence, she is a force that deserves to be emulated.’
– Feminist Fringe
‘A burlesque Jerry lee Lewis’
– The American Magazine
‘Think Eartha Kitt. Think female Tom Waits. Think nihilistic Cole Porter.’
– Somna Theatre
Photo by Dave Sanders